Saturday 6 December 2008

Weekly Geeks# 27: for Dewey

Even though I've only known Dewey through her popular blog and even though we weren't the closest of friends, I was deeply shocked and moved when I heard the sad news. It still feels really strange to think that she is not here anymore. Hers was a blog I would visit almost every day, to check on the new weekly geeks, to read her insightful reviews and her sunday coveting. I remember being envious of her beautiful house by the woods, not knowing what was going on behind the walls. I thought she was some kind of superwoman. Managing her reviews, her challenges, and building the blog community. She recently participated in Nanowrimo, and still kept posting reviews. I thought she was amazing. Now I think she was phenomenal. I can't imagine what kind of pain she was going through, but to us, she always managed to be the usual ultra-organised, motherly, kind, and funny Dewey.
The Read-a-thon was one of the best thing I've ever done this year, it was incredibly fun, and it was all her idea. It started off with few people and went on becoming a huge event. I hope, next time, we will manage to keep her legacy alive, and have a Read-a-thon in her memory, although it will never be the same without her.

It's only a coincidence, but I'm reading Toni Morrison for the first time now, and it's absolutely amazing. I've always loved her quote that gave Dewey's website its name, and now I'm glad to discover the writer behind it.
Also, Dewey was reading or had read "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" Another coincidence. A friend of mine just finished it and left it for me to read it. It's supposed to be incredibly funny and witty. Just like Dewey.


Ana S. said...

Funny and witty. That was Dewey indeed. I also remember seeing the book be compared to the movie Amelie, and for some reason the movie reminds em a bit of her too. I can't remember if she ever mentioned liking it, of if it's because it's French, or what.

I've always loved that Toni Morrisson quote too. Her writing is amazing, isn't it? I've only read Beloved and Jazz, but I was awed by both.

It's good to hear from you, Valentina. This whole week I've been feeling like reaching out to all my dearest blogging friends and giving them a virtual hug. So here's one for you.

Maree said...

Dewey was some kind of superwoman. I'm still in awe of her energy.

Serena said...

yes, dewey was a superwoman. amazing.

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

I had no idea that the quote came from Morrison, but seeing the quote in its entirety is very fitting. Beautiful tribute, Valentina. Dewey will certainly be missed.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post! I think you nailed it when you said Dewey was funny and witty...I completely agree! I would love to have a read a thon in her memory.

valentina said...

awww Nymeth, I'm glad to be among your dearest bloggin friend, and knowing how sad you were these days, I wish I could give you a real big hug:) take a virtual one instead!

The elegance of the hedgehog compared to Amelie? strange, I wouldn't have thought by what my friend told me about it. I have to read it soon!! also because she wants it back for christmas:P
I'm so glad I've started reading Toni Morrison. But it takes a lot of attention, because every sentence and every word is meaninful, and beautiful!

maree, me too!

serena, yep, she was, a real inspiration...

Trish, thanks! I wish I knew from which bopok the quote was taken!