Wednesday 4 March 2009

Midweek Morsels - Peas and Chicken Patties

I've skipped the last few Midweek Morsels only because I didn't find the time to post it on the right day. But I really wanted to share this recipe which I CAME UP WITH! It's my own little baby:)
Since I made it with whatever was left over, the quantities are not gonna be extremely accurate. I tried to estimate the right amount I used for every ingredient, but really the recipe is so versatile it will come out delicious in any way you make it.
The main ingredient is peas. The rest can vary. I made them without chicken as well, and they were good too.

So here we go:

300 gr or more of peas (I used frozen)
1 chicken breast
1 egg
2 tbs of sour cream
50 gr or more of cheddar
1 0r 2 carrots
1 garlic glove
extra virgin olive oil

Cook peas in a pan with some oil and the garlic glove halved. Add water if necessary. Cook till tender. Remove garlic.
In a frying pan cook the chicken cut in small pieces in a little oil.
Chop the carrots finely, cut the cheddar in small pieces. Mix the peas, chicken, carrots and cheddar in a big bowl, add sour cream, a couple of handful of breadcrumbs and salt. Process or blend. If you think it's not firm enough add some breadcrumbs till it's the right consistency to form patties. Check salt and add more if necessary and mix a bit more. Shape the mixture in medium size patties with your hands. Then fry them in little oil few minutes per side. Done!
I had them with sour cream and ketchup, but they're delicious on their own as well, or even with a bit of green salad on the side.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds really really good =) Thank you!