Sunday, 29 March 2009

Once upon a time challenge III (21st March-20th June)

How can I miss this? "Once upon a time" hosted by Carl celebrates what reading is all about for me. Getting lost in a magic world, being charmed by different cultures' folklores and mythologies, being lulled by well known fairy tales retold with new and exciting twists...
I can't possibly skip this, although I haven't been the fastest reader (or blogger) lately and I'm already committing to more challenges that I can actually finish, but who cares! It's fun to join and to choose all the books that I will (not) read!
As usual these are not lists but just possibilities that could change every minute. I'd like to read at least one book for each category, so it has to be quest number 2 for me.

Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood
Weirdstone of Brisingamen by Alan Garner

A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones
The Poison Throne by Celine Kiernan
In The Hand of the Goddess by Tamora Pierce
The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien (illustrated edition)

Fairy tales:
The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter
The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale

Folkore: Wonder Tales of Ancient Wales

AND for the Short Stories Weekend, I plan to continue reading Tapping the Dream Tree by Charles de Lint. I've loved almost all the stories so far, but I've been savouring them at my own pace, to put it nicely. Now I'll try to finish it...
So if I remember I'll post my first review for the Short Stories Weekend!

Link to Once Upon a time III Challenge Review Blog


Tash said...

I'm taking the easier challenge for this; the Journey. Don't think I can cope with another book challenge. Am torn between reading Neverwhere or The Book of Lost Things for this challenge. Anyway, good luck!

Carl V. Anderson said...

How can you resist indeed? :) I'm so glad you are not going to. And you've touched right on the heart of this thing. It isn't about "finishing" a challenge, it is about participating and having fun.

What a fantastic list of books. Whether you get to them now or sometime in the distant future, you certainly have some wonderful reading ahead of you.

Ana S. said...

So many awesome books on your list! Enjoy :D

mariel said...

Oh The Goose Girl!! One of my favouritest favourite of all favourites! (me like).

Great list!

celine said...

Weirdstone of Brisingamen was one of my favourite books as a kid. The use of language in it was so extraordinary for a kid's book ( in my experience at the time anyway. Haven't read it since I was 13 or so) I read it so much that all the pages seperated, and it got too delicate to handle. ( In fact - where is my copy of it? I need to see it again.)

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

I took the easy way out this year and didn't try to do the categories, but seeing your lists makes me wish I had. I've always wanted to read The Penelopiad. Enjoy!

valentina said...

Ms Ulat Buku, I'd recommend Neil Gaiman anytime, even if I still have to read Neverwhere. Hopefully I will for this challenge :)

Carl, I love the no pressure attitude of this challenge. These are all books that I'd like to read at some point,but I'd love to read them all now!

Nymeth..yeah! You too:)

Mariel,hihi, I think me will like too. I had to put it down when I was reding it during Nanowrimo because it made me feel awful about my writing. But now I think I'm ready to face it:P

Celine, I'm looking forward to reading it now!I wasn't impressed by the Owl Service to be completely honest, but I was told this was better, so I'll see!
But I think your book is next in line, can't wait to read it!!

Trish, I think filling in the categories is the most fun part for me:P I wanna read LOTS this year!!

Sarah said...

Though very different, I enjoyed The Penelopiad, The Goose Girl, The Bloody Chamber and of course The Hobbit immensely. I'll be interested to hear what you think.

I also have a soft spot for Tamora Pierce, who was a favourite of mine when I was younger.

celine said...

Big hugs to you, V! You know why!

I didn't like Owl Service either! Or Moon of Gomrath - but I recall loving Weirdstone - hope it isn't one of those things where you should never go back:0) ( although my two other childhood fav's 'Stig of the Dump' and 'Ned Kelly and The City of the Bees' both stand the test of time!

So delighted and nervous that you're reading PT. Have to ask though V, you're not one of the folks who has an ARC are you? If so can I beg you not to read it? The first edition print copy is much nearer to what I wanted :0D

valentina said...

Sarah, I know I will enjoy the Goose Girl because I read half of it already, but I had to put it down, because at the time I was writing my own fantasy fiction and I couldn't bear the comparison :P

I heard great things ab Bloody Chamber and Penelopiad so hopefully I won't be disappointed.

Celine, I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't like the Owl Service. And glad to know that I might not get disappointed about Weirdstone. You gave me one more reason to look forward to reading it!

About the ARC...don't worry, I'll get a "real" one in the shop:)
It also looks better so I'm glad to have that excuse:P