I went to the National Gallery the other day, with a new friend of mine. It's not something you do normally, when you're living in a place. It's what tourists do. Besides, I had been to the gallery two times already. But it turned out a completely new experience this time. I watched the paintings more carefully. We admired them, laughed at them, we were moved by them.
But what sticked with me most of all was a little temporary exhibition of an artist called Harry Clarke. In 1916 he illustrated Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales, and now 10 of these illustrations are exhibited in our Nation Gallery until 20 September.
If you are anywhere near Dublin, I urge you to go see them, cause they are amazing!
These are in colour:

These in black and white:

Love the black and white illustrations best. They are gorgeous...full of detail. Love the contrast. Thanks for sharing these.
My husband LOVES those illustrations. I always see them as like as backgrounds on his computer and such.
Those illustrations are gorgeous. If I were anywhere near Dublin, I'd definitely make a trip down to see them in person.
Amazing stuff! What a pity the exhibition is temporary..otherwise it'd go straight to my Stuff To See in Dublin When I Finally Make It There list!
I love Harry Clarkes work. I wish I could make it to that exhibition! ( Did they have any of his stained glass work on show?)
Wow, how beautiful. I liked the first and fifth illustration the best! Shame its only temporary as I'm not heading back to Ireland until the Spring :(
Thanks Valentina!
GORGEOUS illustrations! Sometimes it's surprisingly nice to be a tourist in your own town, huh? Sounds like a wonderful day, Valentina.
Wow, they're gorgeous!! Both the colours and the b/w illustrations look equally awesome!
Oh, those were the color illustrations in my fairytale book - at least they look awfully familiar to me! Thanks for sharing. :-)
those are really beautiful illustrations.
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