Wednesday 17 October 2007

Anne Enright winner of the Booker Prize!

Read the article on the official website.

I was very happy this morning to hear that Anne Enright won . I was hoping she did, even if I haven't read her book yet. She's Irish (a Dubliner!) and a woman, so that was enough for her to earn my preference. I hope I'll be able to read her book soon even if it sounds like a fairly depressing read. Anyone read her yet? Should I run and get it now? what about my never-ending pile of books still sitting there?
Ah well, I guess they'll have to wait a bit more. The next century probably.

I'm aware I haven't been updating my blog much lately, but not having internet connection at home, house-hunting (yes!! I have to move - AGAIN, i can't believe it), and being very stressed at work, doesn't really help my writing let alone my reviewing of other people's books...
Anyway, I hope to post new review soonish:)

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